Release Notes ============= v3.1.2 ------ * Read the Docs config file v2 * Github actions for testing psycopg3 v3.1.1 ------ * drop django 2 * add django 4.2 v3.0.0 ------ * drop python 3.6 * support python 3.8, 3.9 * django 3.2, 4.0, 4.1 v2.2.1 ------ * Fix bad queryset check which would cause it to evaluate. Add explicit None check. v2.2.0 ------ * More optimizations for unseen events * [!!!BREAKING!!!] Renamed `get_filtered_events_queries` to `get_filtered_events_queryset` on the `Medium` model and it now returns an `Event` queryset v2.1.0 ------ * Optimize querying for unseen events v2.0.0 ------ * Optimize a few querysets * Add support for django 3.0, 3.1 v1.3.0 ------ * Increase model field lengths * Remove support for django 2.0, 2.1 v1.2.0 ------ * Python 3.7 * Django 2.1 * Django 2.2 v1.1.0 ------ * Use django's json field with encoder (drop 1.10) v1.0.0 ------ * Add Django 2.0 support * Use tox for testing more versions * Bulk create events to save on queries v0.8.0 ------ * Drop Django 1.8 support * Add Django 1.10 support * Add Django 1.11 support * Add python 3.6 support v0.7.1 ------ * Increase the uuid length v0.7.0 ------ * Add creation time for mediums so events can be queried per medium for after medium creation v0.6.0 ------ * Add python 3.5 support, remove django 1.7 support v0.5.0 ------ * Added django 1.9 support v0.4.4 ------ * Added some optimizations during event fetching to select and prefetch some related objects v0.4.3 ------ * Added ability to get a serialized version of an events context data v0.4.0 ------ * Added 1.8 support and dropped 1.6 support for Django v0.3.4 ------ * Fixed django-entity migration dependency for Django 1.6 v0.3.3 ------ * Added Django 1.7 compatibility and app config v0.3.2 ------ * Added an additional_context field in the Medium object that allows passing of additional context to event renderings. * Added ability to define a default rendering style for all sources or source groups if a context renderer is not defined for a particular rendering style. v0.3.1 ------ * Fixes a bug where contexts can have any numeric type as a pk v0.3.0 ------ * Adds a template and context rendering system to entity event v0.2 ---- * This release provides the core features of django-entity-event - Event Creation - Subscription Management - Event Querying - Admin Panel - Documentation v0.1 ---- * This is the initial release of django-entity-event.